Today is International Women’s Day, March 8, 2019, and I wanted to celebrate it by writing this post.
I’ve seen social media posts encouraging us to think about women who have made an impact in your life. It had to stop and think about it. Women are such powerful creatures. We have so much to offer. And, I’ve been blessed to know a handful of strong women personally and would like to thank them.
here are the lovely ladies that should be honored
I would like to thank my high school physical education teacher. She was a wife, mother, teacher, and friend to all of us. She was just what I needed during that time in my life, growing up my mother was sick and wasn’t able to be there for me. Thank you, Mrs. Dana Silcox.
My first boss and the person that gave me a chance at my first job, Ms. Dora González. An immigrant from Mexico, she fought her way to top management of a local insurance agency. When I came to see her at 17 years old, I pleaded for her to give me a chance and she did. I’m forever grateful as I started working professionally in business at that young age.
And to my only other female boss, Mrs. Kim Gonzales, you are what shaped me into much of what I am today. Oh, I’m not lost on the irony of the similar last names. Kim’s husband was Portuguese, sans the different spelling. Kim was a powerhouse of a person, one of the hardest working people I’ve known. She was ethical, would share victories, would encourage and reward innovation in her employees. Was never competitive or jealous. And she would roll with the all-male management team, by just being herself. She was truly a person I learned from and went on to try to emulate as I’ve managed my own business the past sixteen years.
So cheers to women! Please take a moment to reach out to someone who has made a significant impact on your life. I’m sure it would make that person’s day.
Who are your people that you’d like to recognize?