real talk

real truths about wedding planning …

Today on the morning show we discussed the real truths of wedding planning…that no one likes to talk about!

1. Have real expectations for your family, fiance, friends, wedding party etc. Some brides think they are going to get more help than they actually do – so don’t set yourself up for disappointment.

2. There is no such thing as a perfect event. If you are one of those people who plan every single detail out (not judging…I’m that way!)…then be sure to plan out how you will handle the stress when something goes wrong. Visualize it…so you can go with the flow on your big day. I’ve seen strong women crumble under the pressure that they put on themselves!

3. Not everyone will be happy that you’re getting married. This is a hard one to discuss and face, but it is a cold hard fact. Some people may be jealous or maybe….your family doesn’t like your fiance!!! You’ll both have to decide how the best way to approach these situations.

4. Pay for it yourself! If you are very clear in what kind of wedding that you want – then you may want to opt paying for it yourself and then you won’t have to meet any resistance from family members. OR – if you are lucky enough to have your parents give you money – and you want the EXTRAS – then offer to pay for those additional items yourself. Trust me – you are stressing your folks out!!!

plan on!

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