how to prepare to handle your wedding gown emergencies

You spend months finding your perfect dress to wear and on your wedding day catastrophe happens. Red wine is spilled down the front of your dress..

Here are some tips to keep a level head to “fix” your dress.

MOST IMPORANT: Know your fabric of your dress. Do not guess. Talk to the bridal shop and understand the best ways to care for it and what can or cannot be put on it. For instance, silk CANNOT take any water, liquid of any kind.

  1. RIPS AND TEARS: In advance find a thread that matches your wedding gown color perfectly. Go ahead and thread a needle with lots of thread in advance and put that in your emergency kit. Why thread in advance? Because you may not have much time and when people are nervous, threading a needle is difficult. Don’t forget the thread to match your veil as well. Those little beads can come undone.
  2. STAINS: Some household items can work well. Tide pen, Shout wipes, chalk, baby powder, even Oxy in a spray bottle (thanks April Foster for that one, never thought of it). You may want to try it FIRST on an inside seam to see how the cleanser will act. Also, never wipe… always blot.
  3. BUSTLE FAILURE: This is so frustrating for a planner, as it almost never fails that a bustle gets stepped on during the reception and rips the dress or the bustle mechanisms. Before the wedding be sure to bring both your ceremony and reception shoes so your tailor will know the best-finished length. The best quick fixes for fallen bustles are baby diaper pins. Large enough to do the job and can hold weight.

The best thing you can do for any of your wedding gown failures or mishaps is to keep on going and have a good time. Thank goodness photographers can remove any type of blemishes with photoshop! So dance the night away and enjoy your wedding day.

4 thoughts on “how to prepare to handle your wedding gown emergencies”

  1. medical assistant

    found your site on today and really liked it.. i bookmarked it and will be back to check it out some more later

  2. Love your brilliant ideas. These things do happen in weddings. I’m glad you came up with great suggestions on how to cope with such disasters!Love your post…

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